Microarray Scanner Calibration Slide is designed for users to perform quantitative evaluations of their microarray scanners. It can be used for determining the dynamic range, detection limit, uniformity of microarray scanners, and detecting laser channel cross-talk and laser stability.
Each Calibration Slide features two separate blocks of microarrays of of Cy3 and Cy5 fluorescent dyes in dilution series. Each block consists of 28 sets of two-fold dilutions of Cy3 or Cy5, coupled with 3 sets of blanks and one set of position markers. Each column contains 12 repeats of each sample.
Key Features
- Quantitatively analyze scanner’s dynamic range and detection limit
- Detect and analyze variations in performances among different microarray scanner units
- Determine scanning uniformity and stability
- Detect channel-to-channel cross-talk
- Check laser and hardware alignment
- Assess and verify scanner’s general functionality
- Array dimensions:
2 blocks: Cy3 and Cy5
Each block: 32 columns x 12 rows
- Slide size: 3” x 1” x 1.0 mm
- Package includes: one Calibration Slide
- Storage condition: room temperature, avoid exposure to light
- Warranty: 3 months
Catalog No | Description | Size | Price |
DS01 | Scanner Calibration Slide | 1 slide/pk | $850 |
* Scanner Calibration Slide is intended to used as a reference tool only and should be not used as an absolute standard. Verification of results using other methods is strongly recommended. Full Moon BioSystems is not responsible for any claims made by the users of this product.